Ingrained Precision
in everything we do
Our new Concealed Fix option for A-lign is now locked in place at premier retirement village development, Lauriston Park in Cambridge.
The Lauriston Park team has been using A-lign for a few years and were keen to complete the first Concealed Fix build, says Murray Otway, Project Manager.
While the Lauriston Park builders were familiar with the original A-lign, builder Drew Cocker says they were a bit sceptical about the new A-lign Concealed Fix system.
“But you can’t stay in a rut so we were happy to give A-lign Concealed Fix a go. And once we got going, it was just really nice to use, and good not to have to carry round a gun and nails.”
The biggest challenge Drew and the team found was getting the battens placed perfectly. A laser level will be used next time to make that process easier.
“Once we had that sorted it was really straight-forward. At the end, we just stood back and said ‘well that was easy'”.
“I would really like to use it again,” Drew says.
The real time savings, Drew says, came with the painting. “All our painter had to do was fill in the nail holes on the scribers and corner soakers. I reckon it cut a day out of his time. It just finished up really well. There was no shadowing from nail holes or putty shrinkage.”
Murray points out that long-term maintenance of the paint finish will also be easier. “You won’t get bleed from the nails deteriorating. That will be a big advantage in coastal situations.”